Design bureau MKS. About

Design bureau "MKS"


Design bureau "MKS" specializes at the field of engineering and engineering-marketing services for different industrial companies. The goal of our bureau is to realize integrated and local works for new technologies development, design, manufacturing and delivery of new equipment for different industrial sectors. Design bureau "MKS" also carry out expert examinations for employed and developing equipment, selection of necessary equipment for new and working plants, including equipment delivery and engineering supervision during start-up. The company actively participates in scientific researches in the field of innovational and science-driven technologies and equipment. Design bureau "MKS" consider all applications from potential clients, solve risen questions, and take active part in client’s project realization. The general goal of the company is the integral processing of mechanization and technological support during start-up of new plants and modernization of working plants in different sectors of industry.

Company profile:

  1. Development activity
    1. Analysis, selection, design and designer supervision during standard equipment manufacturing.
    2. Analysis, selection, design and designer supervision during innovational and science-driven equipment manufacturing.
    3. Selection and optimization of standard home or imported equipment during new process lines completing.
    4. Plant organization for different polymer products (tare, packaging) manufacturing.
    5. Design and manufacturing of power equipment and automation systems.
  2. Scientific research
    1. Research works for new processes, technologies and equipment.
    2. Research works in the sphere of high technologies using modern achievements of science and engineering.
  3. Techno-economic expertise
    1. Expertise and analysis of employed equipment with issuance of recommendations for equipment modernization.
    2. Expertise and analysis of designing equipment with issuance of operation capability conclusions.
    3. Engineering-marketing research


Equipment selection and technique:

Installation and start-up of equipment:

Training and teaching the stuff:

Engineering consulting:

Operational scheme of work with our clients:

  1. Technical documentation development for manufacturing different types of equipment:
    1. Concept formation.
    2. 1.2.  Making contract for technical documentation development.
    3. 1.3.  Analysis, selection, design and execution of technical documentation.
    4. 1.4.  Handover the documentation to the Client.
  2. Development, design and engineering supervision during equipment manufacturing :
  3. Plant organization for polymer products manufacturing:
    1. Concept formation for product development.
    2. Making contract for product, technical documentation and moulding devices development.
    3. Engineering supervision during equipment manufacturing.
    4. Pilot lot turnout.
  4. Carrying out expert examination of the equipment.


  1.   Address:
    1.   394033, Voronezh, Leninsky prospect, 172, office 424
    2.   Tel/fax: +7(473)296-98-11
    3.   8-910-283-36-69 Shabanov Igor
    4.   8-920-403-84-83 Kaledina Julia

г.Воронеж, тел:8(473) 296-98-11, e-mail:

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